Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Last modified on September 13th, 2023 at 05:38 pm


Duration: 3 years, full time

Admission Intake: 60

Essential Qualification for Admission:

  1. For students who have completed 10th standard or equivalent with not less than minimum marks prescribed by the DTE in Science and Mathematics.
  2. 10+2 pass students/ITI pass students can get admission in second year.

The Department of Electrical Engineering of Govt. Polytechnic, Dhamlawas is one of the finest and well equipped Electrical Deptt. of the state. It is having a qualified faculty with expertise in their field. The Department offer core courses in Electrical Machines, Power, PLC & Microcontrollers, Industrial Electronics and Digital electronics etc. Apart from these final year student can choose from a wide range of electives in the form of Energy Management and Optical Fiber Communication. The course structure is constantly restructure to meet the ever changing demand of Industrial Market. Various practical courses are also held in the State-of-Art Lab facilities of the Department.

The dedication and expertise of the faculty members has always shown an ever increasing trend in placement. The department of Electrical Engg. is dynamic in true sense.


  • Narnaul Rd, Dhamlawas, Haryana 123101

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Last Updated on : September 13, 2023 at 5:38 PM
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